Nov 7, 2009

21 Reasons to Start Building Your Company's Brand Today

Here are 21 reasons why you should start building your company's brand today. I'm also going to explain why it is important to use a proven branding process to increase your company's revenue and value.

  1. A strong brand is a real competitive advantage that is hard to copy.
  2. Customer's loyalty increases towards an appealing brand.
  3. A whole staff works more efficient towards one direction.
  4. A strong brand is easier to choose as a customer.
  5. Employee satisfaction increases if your company's brand is clearly defined.
  6. The branding process reveals your company's core strengths.
  7. A strong brand gets a better price.
  8. You are going to stand out from competitors when position yourself clearly in your market. (This is an excellent book about positioning from Jack Trout.)
  9. A brand that is understood trough out the company makes managing easier.
  10. Your company's value starts to increase more rapidly when your whole organization works consistently together and starts live your brand. (Think about Volvo's over 50 years period of consistent work to their cars' safer.)
  11. Any company in any industry can build a brand for itself.
  12. When your competitors are tightening budgets, you have an opportunity to differentiate yourself in a way they cannot expect - or copy.
  13. Branding is an investment, if you consider it as an expense, consider finding a better branding agency for your company.
  14. Branding process always starts inside your own people. (A brand is not a logo, a name or a visual element.)
  15. Building a brand usually requires an outside consultant who is experienced and leads the brand building process objectively. (Your company and staff are not excellent in everything they do - that's why you need a someone to remind you to focus on your real competitive advantage.)
  16. A strong brand appeals to job seekers. The stronger your brand is, the more motivated your staff is (Think about Apple, Google, GE, or Starbucks).
  17. Your products and services perceived value is higher if your brand is clear and strong.
  18. A powerful brand is recommended more often.
  19. A clear brand wins in a comparison to an undefined brand.
  20. A strong brand makes it more difficult for new comers to enter your market. (Think about Gillette)
  21. For the most successful companies, it is their brand that sets them apart from their competitors.

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A picture via Flickr user vincentteeuwen CC 2.0

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